Terms of Service.


Finance Diagnostics GmbH

Company number: CHE-401.696.771

Lindenmatt 5

6343 Rotkreuz



All information, documents and illustrations published on this website are the sole property of FINANCE DIAGNOSTICS. Permission to use them is subject to the reservation that the copyright notice appears on all copies, that the information is only used personally and is not used commercially, that the information is not changed in any way and that all images on the website are only used together with the associated text become.

FINANCE DIAGNOSTICS assumes no liability or guarantees with regard to the information, documents and representations posted on the website. FINANCE DIAGNOSTICS is not responsible for any damage of any kind that may result from the use or existence of the website and the information, documents and representations contained therein. The user bears full responsibility for all risks that could arise for him from the use of this website.

With regard to the documents and information posted, FINANCE DIAGNOSTICS reserves the right to make changes or additions at any time without prior notice. The user of the website is fully responsible for all information that he sends to FINANCE DIAGNOSTICS with regard to content and correctness and for ensuring that the rights of other people are not violated.